Strikethrough in Discord: A Comprehensive Guide

Strikethrough in Discord

Discord has quickly become one of the most popular communication platforms for gamers, communities, and even businesses. One of the reasons for its success is the versatility it offers in terms of formatting text. While many users are aware of the basic functionalities of Discord, such as bold and italics, fewer are familiar with more specialized formatting techniques, like strikethrough. In this article, we will walk you through everything you need to know about using strikethrough in Discord and provide tips on how you can use this formatting option effectively.

What is Strikethrough Text?

Strikethrough is a typographical presentation of text where a horizontal line is drawn through the words, suggesting that the text is incorrect, outdated, or meant to be deleted. It’s often used to indicate a change of thought, correction, or simply for humorous or stylistic purposes. In Discord, this can be especially useful in group chats, where miscommunication is common, or when you want to make a statement that you’re simultaneously retracting.

For example, you might write:
I love pineapple on pizza
Which would render as:
I love pineapple on pizza

Strikethrough can also add an extra layer of clarity or emphasis to your messages, depending on how you use it.

Why Use Strikethrough in Discord?

The use of strikethrough in Discord isn’t just for show; it serves multiple purposes:

  1. Correction or Edit: When you want to correct something in a message you’ve already sent, adding a strikethrough can be a subtle way of showing that you’ve changed your mind without completely deleting the original message.
  2. Humor: It can also add a comedic twist. For instance, you could write something sarcastic or contradictory by crossing out the parts that are not true.
  3. Emphasis: Just like bold or italic text, strikethrough can be used for emphasis, particularly when you want to point out something that was incorrect or outdated.
  4. Creating Suspense: In certain conversations, a strikethrough can be used to create suspense by crossing out words that lead readers in one direction before hitting them with the correct statement.

Now that we understand the purpose and utility of strikethrough text in Discord, let’s get into the actual steps of how to use it.

How to Apply Strikethrough in Discord

Discord offers a Markdown system for text formatting, including strikethrough. Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax that is very easy to use. If you’ve ever used Reddit, GitHub, or even some WordPress plugins, you’re probably already familiar with Markdown.

To apply strikethrough to your text in Discord, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open your Discord chat or channel.
  2. Type two tilde symbols (~~) before and after the text you want to strikethrough. Example:
    ~~This text will have a line through it~~
  3. Send the message, and Discord will automatically format the text.

Your message will now appear with a line through the middle, just as intended.

Additional Text Formatting in Discord

Aside from strikethrough, Discord also allows users to combine multiple text formatting options. For instance, you can bold, italicize, underline, and apply strikethrough all in the same message. Here’s a quick breakdown of the other available formatting options:

  • Bold: To make text bold, enclose it in two asterisks (**). Example: **This is bold** becomes This is bold.
  • Italics: Italicize text by using one asterisk (*) or one underscore (_). Example: *This is italic* becomes This is italic.
  • Underline: Underline text by using two underscores (__). Example: __This is underlined__ becomes This is underlined.
  • Combine Formatting: You can combine these options to create custom text styles. For example, **~~__Bold, Strikethrough, and Underlined__~~** would result in bold, strikethrough, and underlined text.

Best Practices for Using Strikethrough in Discord

While strikethrough is a fun and useful feature, there are certain best practices you should keep in mind to make sure you’re using it effectively:

  1. Don’t Overdo It: Strikethrough text is meant to be used sparingly. If you use it too much, it could become distracting or annoying to other users. Reserve it for when you need to retract a statement or make a joke.
  2. Maintain Clarity: Remember that strikethroughs can make text more difficult to read. Use it in a way that maintains the clarity of your message. If the strikethrough text is too long, it might confuse the reader about the actual content of the message.
  3. Don’t Use it for Important Information: Since strikethrough text implies that the content is outdated or incorrect, avoid using it for critical information or announcements. Use bold or underline for important text instead.
  4. Use it for Tone: Strikethroughs can subtly convey humor or sarcasm, especially when combined with other text formats. For example, you could combine strikethrough with italics to indicate sarcasm or understatement, as in ~~*I totally wanted to do that task*~~.

Discord Bots and Strikethrough Text

In addition to manually applying strikethroughs, some Discord bots allow for automated text formatting. For example, you can configure certain bots to apply strikethrough to specific words or phrases based on commands. This can be particularly useful in larger servers with automated moderation or for users who want to add more functionality to their text.

How to Use Strikethrough in Discord on Different Devices

Discord’s user interface is highly adaptable, and you can apply text formatting across various platforms, including desktop, web, and mobile. The steps for using strikethrough text remain the same across all devices. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Desktop/Web: Follow the steps mentioned earlier for applying strikethrough text. Simply use the ~~ before and after the text on your keyboard, and Discord will do the rest.
  • Mobile (iOS and Android): On mobile devices, access the tilde symbol from your keyboard. It’s usually found by pressing the symbols button, then selecting the tilde (~) from the list of available symbols. Type two tildes before and after the text, and you’ll achieve the same result as on desktop.

Creative Ways to Use Strikethrough in Discord

Here are a few fun and creative ways you can use strikethrough in your Discord chats:

  1. Jokes and Humor: As mentioned earlier, you can use strikethrough to make funny remarks. For example, you could say: ~~I definitely didn’t spend three hours on this game~~.
  2. Polls: If you’re conducting a poll, you can cross out the options that are no longer in the running. For instance, you could list a series of movie choices, then cross out the ones that don’t get votes:
    ~~1. Titanic~~
    2. Avatar
    ~~3. Inception~~
  3. Role-Playing: If you’re in a role-playing server, strikethrough can be used for internal character thoughts or retracted dialogue.
  4. Subtle Emphasis: Sometimes, striking through text gives more emphasis to what is unsaid than to the actual words. You can use strikethrough to hint at deeper meanings or underlying sarcasm.


Discord’s strikethrough feature is a versatile and effective way to communicate in a unique style, whether for humor, corrections, or to enhance clarity in conversations. By combining it with other text formatting options, you can create powerful and dynamic messages that convey exactly what you intend. Just remember to use strikethrough sparingly and in the right context to maximize its impact without overloading your audience.

Now that you know how to use strikethrough in Discord, go ahead and experiment with it! Whether you’re correcting yourself in a gaming chat, making a joke, or emphasizing a point, strikethrough will give your messages an extra layer of meaning and style.

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